May 9, 2011

Stepping it up...

As I have previously stated... running barefoot is awesome. I decided that I'm comfortable enough with running with the Vibram's to try out running without anything on. Since I have the two easy runs every week, I figure that is the perfect time to do it. So, I did. It was awesome. I have blisters. Haha. They aren't bad, just obnoxious, and they went away quickly, within a day or so. Here are my runs from this week:

This was my first barefoot run. I am happy with it. The pace was a little slow, but I have supple baby feet, and they needed some babying. I turned out fine, but when I stopped running, the road suddenly got painful, and every pebble scooted around to ensure it was right underneath my blisters. The road may be evil, but the Post Office parking lot is Satan's mentor. I suppose it's all about toughening up though. I'll get there in due time.

This is a 'Tempo Run'. I was apparently supposed to go out and run my first and last miles at an 11:20 pace and clock the middle three miles at a 9:30 pace. Instead I ran the first four miles at an avg of 9:37. I am thoroughly surprised and happy about how well this run went. The first mile was downhill for the most part and I think that's why the mile went so smooth. The second mile plus was the amazing part. I stuck to a steady 9:49 pace and climbed 143ft. I was panting pretty hard when I crested the hill, but I was much better off than I could imagine. I pretty much stayed steady for the remainder of the run with the exception of a couple of steep downhill lengths and the last mile. I took my Vibram's off and finished up barefoot, cruising in with a 10:40 on my last mile. I'll go over the downhill problem in a little.

Another barefoot easy run. The locals are beginning to stare. The Mailman commented on possible rock hazards. Oh well. The run went fine.

And the big momma. Ouch. That pretty much wraps it up. This run was rough, I have a million excuses and complaints. It's a little discouraging to go out for a run like this and have it go poorly. I attempted to keep my pace slow, as opposed to the tempo run, and speed up as I warmed up. It didn't happen until the final mile, when I decided the least I could do is finish strong. I struggle with the road being sloped, keeping a steady pace, downhills, and my left hip. (and the excuses start) I had just gotten off my shift at work (12hr night) and I was clocking at about 19 hours awake on 5 hours sleep, so I was exhausted.

Now, the downhills. I don't know how to do them. It seems like there are two options. One, take it slow. This works, but it's taxing to do a long downhill stretch (or a steep one) and try to control the decent, plus I feel like it puts tension on my joints that doesn't feel good. Two, I could try and let gravity do its work. This works but it pounds the crap out of my feet and I feel like I'm not in control. That makes me feel like an accident waiting to happen. I'll have to continue to work on that.

It started out as a good week and got rough at the end. Its all about pushing through (and learning from) the difficult days and make it to the good ones. When you get to those good days, enjoy them. Enjoy as much as you can. Keep running. See ya.

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