May 24, 2011

I have a lot of catching up to do. There have been quite a few changes to my life over the past couple of weeks. First and foremost, the Mrs. is pregnant. I am so excited and I can't wait for my baby (boy) to come.

Due to the expansion of my wife as a result of preggo-ness, there's no more Bob Harper workouts (thank you, baby). I have been running 2 miles in the mornings and then doing some pull ups, push ups, and ab work when I get back. It's been going pretty good (other than having to get up early) and I am definitely seeing results. It only takes about a half hour, so I manage to get a good workout in before work (I'm now working day shift). Then I knock out my actual workouts on my days off.

I am now training for a half marathon. Yes, a half marathon. Yes, I am scared. No, I am not backing down. October is the timeframe, and I am excited. The workout schedule I'm following now needed to be reevaluated to ensure it is meeting that goal of a half marathon. As it turns out, it's just fine. I went back to Runners World, punched in my new info and it punched out, more or less, the plan I have now. All I ended up doing was keeping my long runs going up in mileage. Both the old and new plan stagnated at 13 miles. So I am looking at running 13 miles by July, and 16 miles by August. I haven't calculated what I'll be at in September and October, but as long as the plan goes well, I should be fine for a half marathon in October.

I ran a race! We went home to NY for a week to visit family and I figured while I was back in civilization, I would try and find a 5k. I ended up finding one, courtesy of The Adirondack Runners. It was a fun trail run at the YMCA in Glens Falls, NY. This isn't the exact run I did, this is me heading out and trying out the trails before the race:

Like I said, total fun run. I ended up coming in at 26:38. I am very happy with it. and I enjoyed every second of it. I cant wait to do another race.

So, with all the revelations of these past couple of weeks, I have upped my mileage, increased my experience, and found a lot to love. here are the past 2 weeks of workouts:

Haha. This one sucked. The weather was horrible. Rain, wind, the whole works. Miserable.

I wanted to see how fast I could run a 5k. Not bad, but I couldn't keep a good pace, note the ups and downs on the speed graph.

Just a little jaunt around my hometown. Good run. Just a quick note, I wouldn't suggest running on railroad tracks in Vibrams, especially the ones with gravel in between the ties. Beat up feet. Enough said. Other than that, Cambridge is an awesome town to go for a run in. Scenic and beautiful.

This was a failed attempt at speedwork on the track at school. Not successful. The little one came with me and she was supposed to have some company from her grandmother, but the Schmeebe had a meeting so I had to cut the workout short and entertain the kid. I enjoyed hanging out with her anyways, and it's good to take a break and enjoy life.

This is the first of my morning runs. I'm going to continue to track them but I think it would be a waste of time and space to try and put them all on here. Good run, very steady. I am very happy about that.

BAM! The 8 miler. Awesome run. There were some rough hills, but I never got winded or worn out. It was great!

And this was todays slow run. I love seeing that steady pace. I dont mind the little deviations like the one at the 15 min mark, as long as it doesn't look like the first 5 minutes.

It was a good couple of weeks for me. Busy, but good. I'll be back in a week to give the stats on this weeks runs. I have a 9 miler coming up on Sunday, I am really excited to keep increasing the mileage. I am impatient all week waiting for it. Anyways, till next time, keep running.

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