Apr 14, 2011


Awesome run today. I think I might have a problem with my GPS on my phone though. I mapped the route out on the computer, plus I've measured it out before. Apparently though, my phone doesn't think I ran far enough and I had to tack on some extra strides. Here it is:

Not fast, but steady and rewarding. I think I found the key to all of it. I wasn't listening to myself and running at my own pace. I think for the past week or so I have been trying to go crazy and run my heart out and push through. It seems like the opposite is the answer, I should be running what feels comfortable.

I set out at a steady pace, my first half mile was downhill. After I evened out I maintaned a good pace. It felt good. My posture was awesome, I was leading with my hips and standing tall. I did notice that my foot was falling relatively flat, too. I wasn't landing on the ball quite as much. I think this is because the balls of my feet were starting to hurt, and I just listened and changed my foot fall. This had me running comfortable till about the 2.5 mile mark when I headed back up that incline. That took it out of me pretty fast. However, instead of tiring myself out, I found a pace I could manage and I kept my head up. All in all I ended up with a good run that I am pretty happy about.

As for the miscalculation, I hit what should have been the 3 mile mark at about 25 minutes and then ran another 3 /10 of a mile. Ending my run at 27:41.

So the awesome thing is, I think I could knock out a 5k. I don't think I could beat anyone, just finish and be happy with my time. I guess I'll have to look around and find a run! Till next time.

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