Apr 4, 2011

A little rain and a lot of rocks...

So my workout started a little rocky. The Mrs. and I started out with The Biggest Loser workout DVD. Some how it managed to get scratched so we fought with it for an hour and managed to scrape together what should have been a half hour workout.

Afterwards I headed out on my run.

1.01 miles in 8:58, clocking in at an 8:50 mile. Better than yesterday, still not good. I'm going to enjoy the good parts of it all though. I ran a mile in the rain, I'm on day four, my body isn't aching, I haven't done any significant cardio workouts in over 6 months, and I haven't run in over a year. I am not totally unhappy.

As for the rocks part. It seems that we are at that time of year where the snow melts away leaving the sand and debris that collected on the road and sidewalks hanging out waiting to be swept up. Here in Downeast Maine, the sand used is actually more akin to gravel, making running a little treacherous.

Yesterday, while running, I stepped on a rock.

It hit on the ball of my foot right on a bone. Ouch. Today, every step I took reenacted that unfortunate event. Not fun. So, note to self, "don't step on rocks". I found myself really aiming for the sand and grass on the sides of the road as a refuge. I am not sure if this is because my foot strike needs correcting, or if it is just because it hurts to run on a bruise. Something to concider. Ok, I'm done whining.

I came in with a better time, and the same general feeling I have had on all my runs. I have yet to have any soreness other than in my calfs, and it seems that a short walk afterwards helps minimize that. I can't wait for my cardiovascular system to catch up with my legs. All I can think is that once that happens I can run for forever. That is the feeling I get while running. If I wasn't sucking wind I wouldn't have to stop. I can begin to feel an easing into a more steady gait as my muscle memory builds up. Constantly reminding myself to correct my form will hopefully result in the ability to start running anytime, with any footwear, and perform exactly the same, without thinking about it.

Well, tomorrow will be more running in the rain. Thank you for fleece. We will just have to see what happens.

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