Apr 9, 2011


So, after the pretty exciting day yesterday, I decided that I would relax on the run and just workout with the Mrs. She just bought a new workout DVD because her other one got scratched. She likes Bob Harper (Biggest Loser) and decided on one of his extreme weight loss cardio workouts, thinking "How bad could this be?" Wow. We were in for a surprise. So we start in to it and BAM! the warm up is vigorous! Then BAM! we get hit with the workout. Now were looking at each other going "Oh no, what did we do?" Both of us, destroyed by the end. I was using 5lb weights and I thought my arms were going to fall off. Lunges, of all different persuasions, comprised the majority of the workout. I felt alright for a while after the workout, but now, I'm hurting. I would have felt better after a 3 mile run! My butt, kicked.

On a second note, I have decided to take on a new approach to my running. I am going to start formulating a workout, as opposed to haphazardly going out for a run everyday. I am aiming for 5 days a week, taking weekends off. Monday, Wednesday, Friday will be my "light" days, I am shooting for 1.5 milers on these days (plus the doing the slaughterhouse of a workout with the Mrs.). On Tuesdays and Thursdays I'll stretch the run out for my "heavy" runs, starting with 3 milers for now. As I get better, I will up my distance proportionately. At some point I think I will have to figure out what a good "maintenance" run is (something reasonable to keep me in good shape that I can fit in my day) and leave my heavy days for the serious running. We could be some distance away from this, but, seeing how easily three mile came for me, I think this is the best way to go.

Third note, I have added a picture page. I am going to start posting some pictures and putting links to them in the corresponding blogs. I might put up another page for Endomondo trackings as well, which is an excellent service to track, record, and analyze your workouts. Lost of neat features and a really simple interface to work with.

Till next time. Enjoy it!

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