Apr 2, 2011


Although my running began 2 days ago, I didn't get this idea until now. I ventured out for a .81 mile run on Thursday hitting 7:17 for an end time. Afterwards I felt good. Having started running up after a long break before, I know the first run usually feels pretty good and when I step off for the second I realize how not ready I truly am. So, in light of this, I played it cautious. I went for a short and slow jog later after my workout. My wife took off and ran the half mile-ish in a decent 7 minutes, my 4 yr old daughter and I clocked in a solid 12 minutes. We started to trot a little further, but, my arches and my right achilles started to hurt, so I stopped and just walked another mile. Not bad. Unfourtunately, Maine dumped snow on us Friday and the roads were barely passable, let alone runnable in vibrams. 8 in of snow pouring onto my barely covered feet, no thank you. So today, after returning from a day of shopping, (and allowing the 45 degrees and sun do their job) I set out for another run. This time I clocked in at .83 miles in 7:17 (strange, I know) and followed up with a .5 mile walk afterwards. Aside for the sore calfs (a frontfoot strike requires significantly more calf work) I feel great. Cardio wise I am not up to snuff, however, it feels great to be able to run the whole distance without burning legs, achy knees and ankles, and feeling like I'm going to topple over. This is much better. Back Monday with my next run. I'm looking to stretch it to a mile if I can and rest there until the following week.

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