Apr 3, 2011

Beach Running

I knocked out a slow mile today down by the beach. The weather cooperated today and I couldn't resist. Unfortunately, its going to be pretty gross out for the next week and a half. I'll have to just get out when I can, and today was just a good opportunity. I started out with a totally barefoot run on the beach for .46 miles clocking in at 4:16.

I'm not unhappy with that as a warmup. The little one and I ran another 4/10 of a mile at a much slower pace and just enjoyed it. Lizzy can really run. She ran all day in the sand, barefoot and never tired. That is a success on two levels. A tired kid equalling a peaceful night, and a kid who loves to run.

So, anyways, a couple of walks, jogs, walks later, I went for my real run. I watched the GPS this time and measured out a good mile.

I finished out in 9:26. Not very impressive. The only good thing I can find in it all is that I am not achy afterwards. I did notice that I felt a little uncomfortable in the beginning of my run. I refocused and corrected my gait. I focused on short easy steps, leading with my hips, checking my foot strike, checking my posture, and trying to "listen" to my feet. After going through my mental checklist and fixing what needed to be fixed (all of it) my run went back to being an enjoyable experience.

My cardio is hugely lacking, but all in due time. I am trying to follow the rules I have read from various sources. One of the rules I see repeated again and again is to only go as fast as you can comfortably. The best suggestion I have seen is to go as fast as you can while holding a conversation. So I guess slow and steady will get me to where I need to be. Till next time. Happy running.

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